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See 全球十大赌博靠谱平台 for important information on the climate-related content on this website.
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TC能源, 可持续发展是指安全满足当今的能源需求, 既可靠又经济,同时为我们的未来能源找到负责任的解决方案. 作为能源基础设施领域的领导者, we understand our responsibility in supporting innovative and global solutions towards reliable and affordable energy. 欲知详情,请浏览 tescowindows.com/sustainability


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What does it mean for TC Energy given the growing global demand for other forms of energy?

The world will need all forms of energy in the future to support our growing global population and the continued advancement of human prosperity. TC能源有能力提供必要的能源, 以各种形式, 以支持北美的需求. 即使在这些充满挑战的时期, 我们明白我们的业务对我们社会的福祉有多么重要. 无论是今天——在这种困难的情况下——还是明天, we will continue to help meet that energy need in the safest and most reliable way possible, 同时为我们的能源未来找到负责任的解决方案.

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TC能源如何应对,这将如何影响我们的能源组合, 营运及盈利能力?

我们减少排放和提高效率的承诺并不新鲜. We have adopted new technologies and innovative approaches to minimize emissions in our operations for over six decades. 作为一家能源公司, 拥有多种天然气业务, 动力和油, 我们完全有能力支持未来的能源结构. 这包括我们在液化天然气行业和可再生能源领域的扩张.

We have a multi-year strategic plan that identifies the key priorities to achieve our prudent and time-tested business strategy and a robust research and development program, 重点是提高我们设施的安全性和效率. 我们知道,要减少全球总排放量还有很多工作要做, but we also believe the energy industry will be a critical part in achieving a low-carbon future.

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Will TC Energy look to add more renewable energy to their portfolio to respond to climate change concerns/energy transition?

We continue to look at all forms of energy to balance energy demand with global emission reduction goals. 除了我们多样化的天然气业务, 动力和油, we have partnered in the LNG industry and have invested in several new solar projects, 水电蓄能项目和世界首个余热回收项目. 我们还继续投资安大略省的布鲁斯电力项目, 为安大略省大约三分之一的地区提供零排放能源.

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Lowering the world’s Greenhouse Gas emissions is essential to realizing a low-carbon future. 我们支持基础广泛的, economy-wide carbon pricing and believe that an effective carbon pricing structure must:

  • 促进有意义的减排
  • 平衡经济、环境和能源安全需求
  • 提供吸引资本所需的监管确定性
  • 考虑一下天然气在及时向低碳经济转型中的作用
  • 保持和鼓励北美能源部门的竞争力
  • 支持市场化政策促进产业创新
  • 确保对碳补偿的遵从性、灵活性和支持
  • 确认和解释早期和/或自愿行动
  • 协调政策框架,避免重复

当这些原则影响公共政策时, they minimize overall societal costs and allow markets to determine the technologies that will be most successful. We know that strong climate change policy will take a collective effort among industry, 政府, 社区和消费者看到我们应对气候变化行动的真正变化. We will continue to advance our efforts to work with policy-makers and industry peers to help our industry fully participate in the North American climate change discussion.

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TC能源公司关心气候变化吗? 我们如何应对气候变化问题?

The need for energy is essential to our daily lives and so too is the need to address climate change. 有效应对气候变化问题, the world must find new and innovative ways to reduce global emissions while still ensuring the necessary energy we all need. As an organization with a long history of innovation in reducing our emissions and addressing climate change-related issues, we support the goals of the Paris Agreement and are ready to undertake the critical challenge before us as we move to a low-carbon future. We will continue to collaborate with industry, academia and 政府 in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico to enhance the safety and efficiency of our pipeline operations and to find ways that further reduce our emissions.